HISTORY42 - Illegal Immigration to the United States
My previous blog article (posted July 3, 2021) was about the history of legal immigration to America, covering British Colonial America and the United States of America. This blog article covers the history of illegal immigration to the United States. Principle sources for this article include “Historical Timeline - History of Legal and Illegal Immigration to the United States,” immigration.procon.org; Pew Research Center; CATO Institute; U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Protection; “Illegal Immigration Statistics,” FactCheck.org; “Illegal Immigration in the United States - Statistics & Facts,” Statista.com; “U.S. Immigration Trends,” Migration Policy Institute; “Overview of INS History,” U.S. Citizen Citizenship and Immigration Services; and the Wall Street Journal - supplemented with numerous other online sources. To set the context for this discussion, I want to review a few things from the previous article. The Pew Research Center ...