HISTORY18 - Wine Containers, Sealants, and Punts
I started out writing an opinion piece about how screwcaps are better than corks for sealing wine bottles, and how punts (indentations) on the bottom of wine bottles are unnecessary. I began researching wine container sealants and punts and quickly was overwhelmed with history that I didn’t know much about. So, this article became a history article; I’ll leave conclusions and opinions to the reader. The first known evidence of wine is from ca. 6, 000 BC in the Middle East, but evidence of so-called “fermented grape drinks” dates back to at least 9,000 BC in northern China. Wine Containers and Sealants Since the discovery of fermentation, people have enjoyed drinking wine and have looked for ways to keep it fresh, tasty, and portable. Wineskins, containers made from animal hide or bladders, are some of the earliest known vessels for storing and moving wine. It is difficult to say when they originated, since animal hides degr...