HISTORY56 - Money: Then and Now

The musical, Cabaret, includes the song, “Money makes the world go round,” illustrating the importance of money in our lives. Everybody has some money. Most of us wish we had more. But what do we know about money, how it came to be, and the different forms it comes in? I realized that I didn’t know much about this subject. So, this blog post is about the history of money. After a short introduction, I’ll talk about bartering, the early evolution of currency, banks, the value of money, modern financial transactions, and finish with some conclusions. My principal sources include “The History of Money,” mint.intuit.com; “The History of Money - From Bartering to Bitcoin,” “How Currency Works,” and “The Evolution of Banking Over Time,” investopedia.com; “History of Money,” Wikipedia; “History of Money,” historyworld.net; “Standards of Value,” britannica.com; “The History of Money,” thoughtco.com; “A Brief History of Money,” historyofyesterday.com; “...