HISTORY41 - Legal Immigration to America
This article is about the history of immigration - legal immigration - to America. I will write about the history of illegal immigration in a separate article. The current article will include immigration to British Colonial America and immigration to the United States of America, with important immigration policy sprinkled in, to provide context. The paper will conclude with a discussion of current paths to U.S. citizenship for immigrants. Principal sources for this article include Pew Research Center; A Nation of Immigrants , by John F. Kennedy; “U.S. Immigration Before 1965,” history.com; “Historical Overview - Immigration,” Georgetown.edu; “Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the U.S.,” Migration Policy Institute; and “The History of Immigration to the United States,” “Immigration to the United States,” “List of United States Immigration Laws,” and “History of Laws Concerning Immigration and Naturalization in the United States” - all on Wikipedia. ...