HISTORY74 - Arizona Water Resources
My last blog post (May 2, 2023) covered the history of the Colorado River and how it is in crisis today. This time I’m going to focus on water issues associated with my home state of Arizona. I’ll start with an introduction to Arizona water, then cover the history of the use and management of Arizona’s water resources in two time periods: 1) from ancient times to 1850, when Arizona became part of the United States; and 2) from 1850 to the present. Then I’ll discuss Arizona’s water resource status today, and end with a snapshot of future water issues and plans. My principal sources include: “Arizona Water History,” bwcdd.com; “Water in Arizona: Our Past, Present, and Future,” azchamberfoundation.org; “Arizona’s Water Supplies,” arizonawaterfacts.com; “Some fast facts to know about the Arizona water supply,” azbigmedia.com; “Does Arizona really use less water now than it did in 1957?”, azcentral.com; “The Importance of Recycled Water in the Desert,” amwua....